“The results are gripping and calming, in turn, involving some of the most impressive improvising heard in recent times, even though these elements are "comprovisations", filtered by the mind of Alberts."
–Wire Magazine
January 2022
«Saxophonist Kristoffer Berre Alberts has mastered a personal tonal language»
— Eyrel Hareuveni
All about jazz
«Alberts er einestående plata igjennom. Oppkome av idear synest utømeleg. Han kombinerer det leikne med klar tale. Sjølvtryggleiken imponerer.»
— Lars Mossefin
Dag og Tid
«Alberts’ hearty saxophone is a center piece of the music. Both brash and agile, he switches from post-bop lines to caterwauls in a moment’s notice.»
— Madelena Borges
The Free Jazz Blog
«Saksfonist Kristoffer Alberts er ikke typen til å la vente på at anledningen skal by seg, men fyrer løs frahofta med rasende lyd og stor intensitivitet.»
— Svein Magnus Furu
«Alberts leverer soloekskursjoner av sjeldent kaliber»
– Tor Hammerø
Side 2
«The relentless peals of sax coming from Alberts is very impressive and make him someone I hope to hear more from in the future»
– Tim Niland
Jazz and Blues blogspot.
“Highlights include the riotous “Fluku” with a storming tenor saxophone solo by Kristoffer Berre Alberts”
– Julia Cowley
Wire Magazine
«Alberts’ hearty saxophone is a center piece of the music. Both brash and agile, he switches from post-bop lines to caterwauls in a moment’s notice.»-
Madelena Borges
The free jazz blog